It's a b-side from their album The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me, which is my favorite album of all time. I know people say that a lot, but i'm serious, if there were some sort of technology failure, or weird musically-oriented dictatorship and i could only listen to one album for the rest of my life, it would be that album. It's perfect. I even have a tattoo from it. Before the album came out the demos that the band had been working on got leaked onto the internet in a makeshift album called the Fight Off Your Demons Demos (written as fghtffyrdmns). There we nine tracks, that were rough versions of what the album was supposed to be. Every demo had a number, and a working title (i.e. Demo #2 (Morrissey) or Demo #6 (Mamas)). The band was upset, as anyone would be, no one likes their work to be distributed before it's complete. A lot of songs on the demo got scrapped, but some got reworked, lyrics completely changed, and turned into amazing songs on the real album. (Fork and Knife) is on the album as Demo #7. It's unusual in reference to other Brand New songs because the main instrument is piano, which i've never heard them use before. The song was released a couple months after the CD came out (2006) as an iTunes single. The album art is also peculiar, all it shows is a completely blue canvas.

- The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me

- (Fork and Knife)
Download (Fork and Knife)